0-2 Years
Our beautiful and stimulating 0-2 room provides a full range of sensory experiences that are designed to facilitate a child’s naturally inquisitive nature to explore and investigate, allowing your child to develop their senses, cognitive abilities, early linguistic and social skills.
Our 0-2 room is equipped to promote physical skills such as sitting, crawling and walking for your baby in a safe and controlled environment. Our facilities also provide your child with the opportunity for a restful sleep in our specifically designated sleep room.
Over 30 Years Experience in the childcare and development sector
2-3 Years
In our large 2-3 room staff will promote, consolidate and expand on experiences and outcomes to promote the skills required at this stage of development. We will focus and build on the early independence and concentration skills, and your child will be able to explore a wide range of activities and resources to facilitate this.
We nurture your child through the transition of being reliant on an adult to the desire for independence, and the struggles that this may bring. We incorporate toilet training at this stage and work alongside you, the parent.
Purpose built play areas for your childs growth and education
3-5 Years
Our extensive and well resourced 3-5 room promotes the 8 curricular area of the ‘Curriculum for Excellence’ and begins your child’s journey from nursery to school.
Your child will benefit from the freedom to choose and access a wide range of resources, including our computers and smart board. Children have the independence to access the resources and lead their own learning based on their interest and abilities. Our 3-5 room has direct access to one of our gardens and your child’s learning extends to the outdoors.
Fully skilled staff & practitioners to get your child ready for primary school